Find detailed information, documents, forms, and links about St. John’s JRLFC, NSWRL, and more.
Player Forms
Find below the Player Code of Conduct, Medical Advice & Playing In Higher Age Group Consent Forms.
There are a lot of valuable resources, including:
NRL Child Safe Code of Behaviour - Child Safe Conduct to Keep our Children and Young People Safe.
NRL Safeguarding Children and Young People Complaints and Reporting Procedure.
NRL Safeguarding Children and Young People Induction and Training Requirements.
National Code of Conduct
NSW COMMUNITY RUGBY LEAGUE - 2024 Policies and Procedures Manual
Concussion Management and Return to Sport Strategy
Community Rugby League Policy and Guidelines for the Management of Concussion.
NRL Community Head Injury/Concussion Medical Clearance
The New South Wales Rugby League website contains further resources and documents relating to competitions.